Sunday, February 27, 2011

30 in 60 - Summary week 1


Total calories eating = 12,170
exercise time = 13 h 38 mins (that's alot for me, as a result of better weekend weather)
calories burn by exercise = 7,339
miles run/walk = 50.6

lbs lost: 236-229 = 7 lbs (I know a few lbs are water weight lost and I will not keep up this much actual weight lost)

lbs lost by calulation:
weight 230lb x 15 cal/lb x 7 days = -24,150 cal burn just doing regular stuff, the 15 calories/lb may be too high, just a general figure I read somewhere.
+ -7,339 burn
+12,170 calories eating =
-19,319 calorie deficit / 3500 calorie per lb = 5.5 lbs lost

Very good first week, feel positive.
Must be carefull to not run too much as to injure by left ankle and right knee menisnus.
My exercise is getting easier at same heartrates.
I need to eat 1 apple at night , not so much peanut M&m's.


  1. One week down and you're in better shape than me. Good job. I hope to run 1 mile at 10 minute pace soon. One day I'll catch back up to you! ;-)

  2. nice try chris, I have not ran even 1-10 min mile since 2007....maybe in a couple weeks I'll try...I guess mile 2 of my sunday tempo run was 10:46...
